Weblog Discussion Forum

 The BLOG might include:
           1) Interesting marketing-oriented sites you found (Provide the site's link),
           2) Your observations on marketing in the workplace, 
          3) Personal experiences you have had with marketing as a consumer, 
          4) marketing articles and books you have read,
          5) Your personal observation of marketing in action in the workplace or retail.
          6). Also, include your observations and timely information oriented to the themes for the    week.
          7) Students would also benefit from your observations and applications of the

Hello! My name is Thomas Brown and I am 26 years old. My hobbies include videogames and watching WWE. I also had type 1 diabetes since I was 2 and a half years old and have high functioning autism. I am taking this class for my Liberal Arts Degree. This is my first time using a BLOG so hopefully things go well!


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