My Experiences With Understanding Consumer Behavior, Understanding Organizations as Customers, and Understanding and Reaching Global Consumers and Markets

  When I worked on this weeks assignment I wasn't aware of the consumer purchase decision process in Chapter 5 and how it consists of five stages, problem recognition, information search, alternative evaluation, purchase decision, and post purchase behavior. It was just one of those things I didn't really think about until now.

When I got to Chapter 6, I learned that there are three different organizational markets, which are industrial, reseller, and government. It was fascinating reading about all the different markets and how they operate. It must take a lot of work to keep all that together.

When I got to Chapter 7, I learned all about how a global perspective on world trade views exports and imports as complementary economic flows, which are a country's imports affect its exports and exports affect its imports. It was really interesting to read how all that worked. I loved doing the questions on Chapter 7 the most, really interesting information about Japan and how an American commercial wouldn't be as successful in Japan like it would in America.


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